The Modern Epidemic of Immune System Disorders


This is the epoch of the immune system, once researching and devising treatment modalities for repairing, further details, nourishing, enhancing and supporting the immune system (IS) are all along deliver at a fevered auditorium. During the last decade of the 20th century and the first decade of this century, scholars in the biological, chemical, physiological, and health sciences have been focusing their research upon uncovering the mysteries at the rear the mechanics of this elusive system. Meanwhile, the healing arts and sciences, both allopathic and naturopathic, are as soon as going on by determining what the research findings intend in terms of developing added medicine and treatment paradigms.


Our current engrossment considering than the IS is a natural reply to the ever growing percentage of the world's population agonized from the debilitating effects of immune-based degenerative diseases and disorders. In fact, research bears out that the more "modernized" the world is becoming, the greater the percentage of the population distressed from these diseases and disorders. One source lists 63 diseases and disorders stemming from a dysfunctional IS, including these every one of-too-quickly-known ailments:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Immune Deficiency Syndrome (CFIDS)
Crohn's Disease
Fibromyalgia - Fibromyositis
Grave's Disease
Juvenile Arthritis
Lupus Multiple Sclerosis
Pernicious Anemia
Rheumatic Fever
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Ulcerative Colitis Vasculitis
Not surprisingly, cutting-edge research is start to look connections in the middle of dysfunctions of the IS and appendage common diseases such as cancer and types I and II diabetes. Even problems as seemingly unrelated as chronic fetal miscarriages are now mammal united to IS dysfunctions.


Volumes have been written by health and medical researchers and practitioners more than the last two decades taking place for factors influencing this escalation. Everything from the unrelenting bring out of our militant vibrancy style to nonappearance of exercise, chronic nap deprivation, environmental pollution, depersonalization and social alienation, self-indulging entertainment, unscrupulous and lascivious moving picture styles, behind again-crowdedness, and the on zenith of-paperwork and devitalization of our food supplies have been argued as contributing factors to this broadminded epidemic. Do you know about Immune Booster?

A growing number of health researchers and practitioners world-wide comply that there is a significant correlation together in the company of poor nutrition and the current epidemic of IS disorders and diseases. In my neighboring article, I will be exploring how it is that our modernized world is experiencing poorer nutrition than in the back, leading to an intensify in degenerative IS disorders.

Eric Bjarnson, Ph.D., is Director of Marketing & Sales at Sunstone, Inc., an herbal health company located in Pleasant Grove, Utah back December, 2004. Sunstone, Inc. specializes in creating and manufacturing herbal remedies for:

pregnancy and birthing,
intensification and supporting the immune system,
body detoxing,
specific disorders, diseases, and ailments, and
general body health.


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